We have had a really busy week of learning! At the start of half term, we welcomed a new friend, Vince, who has come all the way from America.   He is a lovely smiley boy and has settled in beautifully.  He loves listening to the guitar and playing outside on the swing with his new friends.

This week, we have enjoyed a magic show, kindly performed by Magic Matt from Halifax.  We also had a visit from the police horses!  We have enjoyed some sensory exploration with dry food, played in the Thrive Room, and used the big toys in the Sports Hall.  We have been investigating numbers using the Numicon in the playdough.

Some dates for your diary:

Thursday, 6th December – Coffee Afternoon, at 1.30pm

Monday, 10th December – Christmas Trip to Hall Hill Farm

For our Christmas performance, we are dressing as elves.  We would really appreciate it if you could provide an elf costume, or a green t-shirt for your child to dress in.

Also, now that the weather is getting so much colder, please can we ask that you send your child to school with gloves and hats?  It gets very chilly on the playground!


Hannah and the team

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