11th July 2024

Dear Parent/Carers,

As we head towards the end of term can I take this opportunity to let you know about our staff leavers as well as our Year 6 leavers. You will be able to read a little more about our friends in the latest Hadrian Herald coming soon.

We are saying farewell and good luck to three of our teaching colleagues who are stepping out of Hadrian this summer. Scott, Jess, and Nadia all have different exciting plans for their futures and we all want to say a huge ‘thank you’ on behalf of all of our children and families for their dedication and hard work and we wish them all the very best for the next steps in their careers.

Ann Walker, one of our longest serving Teaching & Learning Assistants is also retiring this term. Ann has served school so well, always child centred, always hard working, and always present and a role model to all. She will be greatly missed and we wish her all the very best for her retirement. We have also just learnt that Katie Muir, again another long serving Teaching & Learning Assistant has got a new post in the City in an admin role to help her work life balance, best wishes from us all in this new role.

Hopefully you are also aware that Andy Todd (our Facilities Manager) is stepping into a well-deserved retirement this summer. Andy has been the backbone of Hadrian School since our inception in 1999. Indeed before school even opened he was part of the planning team that worked tirelessly all summer to amalgamate five specialist schools into one, and we were the only new school that opened on time to parents in September 1999. Since then Andy has put his heart and soul into this building and into the wellbeing and welfare of all of our children and staff. He has masterminded so many internal building projects over the years, including the amazing world class Rebound Therapy Centre and the upcoming new Hydrotherapy Community Spa project. He is to be married this summer to Sharon, one of our long serving and much loved Teaching and Learning Assistants and we all wish him the very best of health and happiness for the next steps on his journey through life and congratulations to both for their impending wedding celebrations in Cyprus.

We are also saying farewell to Bob Walker, our long serving Finance Officer who is eventually stepping down at the grand old age of 74! Bob is one of life’s characters, a reminder of the good old days when wit was valued and allowed and he has carried this out throughout his long career without getting the sack, well done Bob, a real achievement! Bob has served our City and Hadrian School really well and his knowledge, skills and personality will be a huge miss. We thank him for his loyal service and wish him a very healthy and happy retirement.

We will also be saying farewell to our Psychology students Genevieve and Ellie this July. Both students have made a real impact in school and have become valuable indispensable members of their teams and will be greatly missed. We wish them both all the best for their continued studies and hope they keep in touch and visit as often as they can.

We are also saying farewell to Sandra, (Paddy’s wife) who retires from the cleaning team and Mid-day Supervisor this summer after a very long career here at Hadrian. We’ve also said farewell recently to Dianne & Linda from the cleaning team who have stepped into retirement too. Many thanks to one and all and best wishes for the future.

Zoe, our Massage Therapist has also just stepped out, days before giving birth to her first baby. We wish her well and can’t wait to meet the new baby very soon.

Don’t worry, the rest of us will still be here in September and we have recruited some wonderful new staff to join our team.

Thanks already to those parents who have sent cards and good wishes to staff for the end of term. We hope you are all happy with your child’s School Reports and class team for September, please get in touch if you have any questions or you would like to meet some of the new staff members your child will be with.

Last quick message, after the amazing feat of England qualifying for the UEFA final on Sunday, win or lose please feel free to send your child into school next Monday in anything red, white or blue or their favourite football tops in celebration of our teams achievements.

I will write again to say farewell for summer next week, but just to remind you that we finish for the Summer next Friday 19th July 3:15pm as normal.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher

24th June 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all enjoying a taste of summer sun at last! We hope it continues through the week and you can all join us this Saturday 29th June for our Summer Fayre, between 11 :00am – 1 :00pm. There will be an Ice Cream Van, Circus Skills, Bubbleologist, Food and Drink stalls, Face Paints, Henna Artist, Balloons, Cake stalls, Pony Rides, lots of games and fun activities and more. The events will be in our main car park and the School Hall, so the main school gates will be closed, so please use the overflow car park, and park school considerately not blocking our neighbour’s drives, use the pedestrian gate to come into school.

• Hadrian Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June 11 :00am -1 :00pm, more details to follow
• Remember if any families would like an A4 size copy of the Hadrian Herald to let your child’s Class Teacher know asap, they are £5 per copy
• We break for the summer holidays on Friday 19th July 3:15pm

I’m deliberately leaving the following details in the letter for information. Later this term you will receive your child’s School Report, which will also contain details of your child’s new Class Teacher for September. If you have any concerns about the next moves, please get in touch for a chat.

Can we make another plea for you to send in your child’s own towel and costume for Hydro and Swimming please. We have limited laundry facilities which are old and breaking down, so any help with sending in your child’s own kit would be very much appreciated. Can we also make a big plea for you to send in baby wipes for your children, where appropriate, the school budget cannot sustain the current costs.

Again as the summer sun arrives can we remind you to send sun protection into school, sun hats or sun glasses where appropriate or a reminder to staff if your children have any allergies etc.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Rollings
Head Teacher

19th June 2024
Changes to Car Park Rules at Hadrian School
Dear Parents/Carers

We are writing to you because you may bring your child into school in your own vehicle on a morning or evening. We have changed some of our car park rules today to ensure the safety of staff and children.

The school gates are now being closed at 8.55am on a morning. Any parents who are arriving after this time will be either asked to park in the overflow car park and bring your child into school via the pedestrian path on the left hand side of the main road, or if safe to do so our Safety Staff on the gate will allow you to park in the bottom visitor’s car park.

On an evening gates will be closed at 3.05pm, no parents will be given access into the car park after this time unless a member of Safety Staff on the gate allows you access into the bottom visitors car park if safe to do so.

Please ensure if you are collecting your child on an evening that you do not park in the top car park in a bus bay after 2.50pm as buses are arriving. Bus bays are marked in yellow, but at present the yellow paint has perished but this will be remarked during the summer holidays.

There have been a number of near misses in the car park so in making these changes we want to protect the health and safety of children and staff.

Please do not walk up the middle of the car park, please use the path and zebra crossing on the left of the main car park.

There will be double yellow lines painted on the left hand side of the road leading up to the gates over the next few days, please do not park on these lines unless instructed to do so by Safety Staff.

Kind Regards
David Palmer
Business Manager

18th June 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy Eid to all of our families and staff that celebrated yesterday, or Sunday, hope it went well and that you are not too exhausted from your celebrations! Just another few reminders of events coming shortly and a plea for all visitors not to park on the left side of our bank to school now that the extended car park is in place. Double yellow lines will appear soon!

• Monday 24th June 9:30am-12:30pm free training for Parent/Carers on ADHD here at           Hadrian, see David for more details in Admin
• Hadrian Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June 11 :00am -1 :00pm, more details to follow
• Remember if any families would like an A4 size copy of the Hadrian herald to let me know asap, they are £5 per copy
• We break for the summer holidays on Friday 19th July 3:15pm

I’m deliberately leaving the following details in the letter for information. Later this term you will receive your child’s School Report, which will also contain details of your child’s new Class Teacher for September. If you have any concerns about the next moves, please get in touch for a chat.

Can we make another plea for you to send in your child’s own towel and costume for Hydro and Swimming please. We have limited laundry facilities which are old and breaking down, so any help with sending in your child’s own kit would be very much appreciated. Can we also make a big plea for you to send in baby wipes for your children, where appropriate, the school budget cannot sustain the current costs.

Again as the summer sun arrives can we remind you to send sun protection into school, sun hats or glasses where appropriate or a reminder to staff if your children have any allergies etc.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher


3rd June 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful time together with family and friends and are ready for the summer run-in!. Lots to look forward to this term, and a shout out for the Summer Clubs too which will be here before we know it, more details will follow soon.
Just a random bit of feedback that crossed our radar recently. We want to reassure all ParenUCarers that once your child has a place at Hadrian then that is secure for as long as you want it. The Annual Review process is not to discuss the appropriateness of the placement as such, but more of an update of the Education, Health Care Plan to ensure that it still reflects your child’s needs and that you are getting the education, health and social care entitlement that your child deserves. I hope that helps and reassures many of you that your child’s placement is secure with us.

• Tomorrow, Tuesday 4th June 4:00pm on Zoom or live, Friends of Hadrian meeting. We are always looking for new members and ideas!
• Friday 7th June Parents 4 Parents Coffee Morning 9:30am in our Music/Dance Studio
• We will be having an ‘Open Day’ on Wednesday 12th June for the City of Newcastle’s celebration of SEND. We hope we will be welcoming visitors from other mainstream and specialist schools, however, if you would like your family and friends to view our school, please feel free to attend
• Monday 24th June 9:30-12:30 free training for ParenUCarers on ADHD here at Hadrian, see David for more details in Admin
• Hadrian Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June 11 :00am -1 :00pm, more details to follow

Later this term you will receive your child’s School Report, which will also contain details of your child’s new Class Teacher and Team for September. If you have any concerns about the next moves, please get in touch for a chat.
We have a new extension to our car park at the front of school. Can we ask that you use this and not park in front of our neighbour’s houses.
Can we make another plea for you to send in your child’s own towel and costume for Hydro and Swimming please. We have limited laundry facilities which are old and breaking down, so any help with sending in your child’s own kit would be very much appreciated. Can we also make a big plea for you to send in baby wipes for your children, where appropriate, the school budget cannot sustain the current costs.
As the summer arrives can we remind you to send sun protection into school, sun hats or glasses where appropriate or a reminder to staff if your children have any allergies etc.

Many thanks,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher


15th May 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

TimbaDash and Grubbin’s Wood

I am delighted to say that TimbaDash are offering a free performance of Grubbin’s Wood as an outdoor performance next Thursday 23rd May at 4:30pm here at Hadrian School.

Those of you who haven’t encountered TimbaDash’s work yet are in for a treat. They are a multi-sensory theatre group who specialise in creating performances that engage and interact with our children. We have a special relationship with TimbaDash at Hadrian and this is one of their first shows that we helped develop, making a summer return.

The simple narrative of Fox and Mole’s adventures in the woods with Mr. Grubbin’s will take place in a tent in our grounds and will be a joyful celebration of nature, friendship with a feast of multi-sensory treats.

It is a one off performance for 12 pupils with complex, profound or autism/dysregulated additional needs. Family siblings can attend with parents too, but it will be on a first come first served basis. For some of you the timing may be tight to get your children home and back to school, so we will accommodate those children that may need to remain in school for their tea.

Can you email me with your interest at  chris.rollings@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk with expressions of interest or phone your Class Teacher if that is easier as soon as possible.

Many thanks,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher



13th May 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,

A huge ‘thank you’ to all who attended or supported our Summer Ball at the Newcastle/Gateshead Hilton last Saturday. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsor Rob Armstrong, and for the dedicated work from our Senior Admin Officer Bev, Chair of Governors, Marian and a squad of Hadrian staff, we managed to raise an amazing £213,000 profit, which will go towards our new Hydrotherapy Pool Project. Remember our goal is to ensure we provide the best therapeutic opportunities and leisure amenities for your children to enjoy whether they are 7, 27, 47, 67 and more. This amazing project will be open in the evenings, weekends, and holidays all year round and will be the first of its kind in the UK, setting the benchmark for others to hopefully follow in their locality. To achieve our ambitious goal of building this next year we still need your support, your fundraising ideas, your business contacts, your media contacts, your links with any supporting charities or groups that might want to make use of these facilities in the future.

Just a couple of reminders of events coming this week;
• Mahogany Opera in school all week. Feedback shows will be on Thursday & Friday, your child’s Teacher will keep you updated
• ‘Parent 4 Parents Coffee Morning’ this Friday 17th May 9:30am
• Our Friends of Hadrian meet again on Tuesday 4th June 4:00pm live and virtual. New members very welcome
• Reminder we are giving back the Training Day on Friday 24th May, so school will be open to the children this day, which is also when we break up at 3:15pm for the Half Term Holiday. Children return to school on Monday 3rd June
Hadrian Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June 11 :00am -1 :00pm, more details to follow
• Families will receive their Free School Meal Vouchers for the Half Term Holiday.

As the summer arrives can we remind you to send sun protection into school, sun hats or glasses where appropriate or a reminder to staff if your children have any allergies etc.
Again, a timely reminder, that we cannot consent to any term time holidays for your children, it is not possible for us to authorise them, unless in exceptional family circumstances. If you have any questions please contact myself or Alex.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Rollings
Head Teacher


29th April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

A huge ‘thank you’ to all who attended or supported our ‘Celebration of Diversity’ event last Wednesday. It was such a wonderful evening of music, dance, food and a real celebration of all the cultures that make up our school community from Bangra and Irish dancing, to Greek and Chinese folk songs, Disney hits and much more. A special ‘thank you’ to Labli, one of our talented Teaching & Learning Assistants who masterminds the whole evening and to our fantastic staff for their support on the night. The event raised a magnificent £845.33 which will go towards our new Hydrotherapy Pool Project. As ever, if any of you have other fundraising ideas or contacts to help support this project, we would love to hear from you.

Just a couple of reminders of events coming this week.
• It will be the Nuns Moor Fair this Thursday 2nd May.
• ‘Parent for Parents Coffee Morning’ this Friday 3rd May 9:30am.
• It is Bank Holiday Monday next Monday 6th May, children return to school on Tuesday 7th May.
• Reminder we are giving back the Training Day on Friday 24th May, so school will be open to the children this day, which is also when we break up at 3:15pm for the Half Term Holiday.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Rollings
Head Teacher

22nd April 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Many thanks for coping with our water crises last week, I’m pleased to say the issue has now been rectified and we are now receiving the correct water pressure and supply. As a small gesture of goodwill we will forfeit our May Training Day on Friday 24th May and open school to the children that day. The staff made excellent use of the two days and we were able to advance many projects which will enhance and benefit the offer we give to your children.

Remember this Wednesday 24th April we are hosting another ‘Celebration of Diversity’ event between 5:00pm-7:00pm in our Sports Hall. This literally will be a celebration of all of the cultures that make Hadrian School so vibrant and special with food and drink, entertainment, craft stalls and more. We look forward to welcoming you all very soon.

A big ‘thank you’ to one of our children Alfie in Dave’s class and his family for promoting the ‘Curry & Wine’ fundraising event last Saturday in Wallsend. Thanks to the Masonic Hall andtheir Lodge we raised an amazing £800 that will go towards our Hydrotherapy Project.

Thanks also to those ParenUCarers that attended our first ‘Parent for Parents Coffee Morning’ last Friday. They were able to make their views known on school and SEND Transport to our Labour MP, Chi Onwura who was visiting school that day. I really appreciate your positive feedback and kind words about school. The fortnightly meeting returns on Friday3rd May 9:30am, all very welcome.

Hopefully you are all aware that the children and staff have been invited to the Nuns Moor Fair next Thursday 2nd May, more details will follow soon.

We are also hosting some more free training for ParenUCarers in our HEADS Training Centre on ‘Complementary Therapies’. This will take place on Wednesday 15th May 9:30am -12:30pm, please see our Business Manager David Palmer for more information. If you have any suggestions for future training agendas please get in touch with school and let us know.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Rollings
Head Teacher

20th March 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,

We are writing to let you know about our next pop up café on Wednesday 27th March.  There will be an Easter theme and classes will be able to come down to buy drinks and sweet treats alongside gifts made by the team at Condercum Crafts.  The aim of the café is to support our children in developing their life skills, giving them the opportunity to experience a café environment whilst ordering and paying for their own items.

If at all possible, we are asking for children to bring a voluntary small contribution (the most expensive gift will be £1) into school that day; any profits that are made will go back into school funds to support the continuation of Condercum Crafts, which, as you may have seen, is a fantastic opportunity for children to be part of an enterprise where they can make and sell arts and crafts within the community.

Many thanks,

Rachael’s team and Condercum Crafts team


27th February 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back, I hope you all had a wonderful break, despite the unsettled weather. The days are definitely getting longer now and hopefully warmer soon too. This is a pretty short Half Term, four weeks and four days before we break for Easter on Thursday 28th March and return to school on Monday 15th April. Before then we have lots to fit in, including the following;

  • We have an Opera group, ‘Mahogany Opera’, working into school very soon for two weeks, more details for some classes will follow
  • ‘World Book Day’ on the 7th March
  • ‘The Selfish Giant’ theatre production for all classes on Monday 11th March
  • Parent’s Evening on Thursday 14th March
  • ‘Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March
  • Our Shakespeare Festival at Northern Stage on Tuesday 26th March, tickets on sale soon
  • ‘Easter Bonnet Parade’ and Egg Hunt, Wednesday 27th March
  • Pop-up Café’ Wednesday the 27th March

Thursday 14th March will be our Parent’s Evening. This is an opportunity to visit school and talk to your child’s Class Teacher and Team and to look around our facilities and meet some of our Therapy colleagues too. Class Teachers will make appointment times with you very soon. Can I also remind you to go on to the school website to the Parents Tab and select the Parental Questionnaire and send us your views on school, we really do value your comments and feedback.

One of our longest serving staff members, Paddy Leonard who has been our School Caretaker for 24 years retires next month. We will be saying farewell in school soon and wishing him a long and healthy retirement. Those of you that know Paddy and all he does for school may want to pay your respects before he leaves on the 27th March.

Please find attached an excellent new resource for our families from contact.org.uk. ‘The Helpful Guide for Families with Disabled Children’ is full of useful information, tips and signposting for advice and support. I’m not sure if it is available in other languages and couldn’t find information on their website, but if someone more technical can find this out that would be appreciated.

Can I just take this opportunity to ask for your co-operation with our school policies and procedures. No jewellery to be worn by any child in school, please remove earrings, bracelets, chains etc. we don’t want them damaged or caught in PE or by another pupil. Please be on time and if your child is going to be absent from school, let us know straight away so we can enter the right details on the registration forms. We are being asked to chase up all attendance concerns and to remind parents not to request holidays in school term time, this is against the law. Can you also label your child’s belongings and send in a towel for swimming and a PE kit to change into for PE lessons.

We would like to make another appeal for baby wipes to be sent into school for those children who require intimate care. We are using around 600 packets per half term so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher


February 15th 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

World Book Day 2024 – Thursday 7th March

Plans are well underway for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March! We would encourage you to dress your child as a book character or even in their pyjamas to celebrate bedtime reading.

All classes will be working on story telling activities throughout the week, including activities themed around The Hungry Caterpillar.  Our Cook, Sam, is putting together a World Book Day themed lunch and all classes will join in our World Book Day assembly.

All of our children will receive a book token, which can be used towards purchasing their own choice of reading book. We look forward to seeing the children dressed up and enjoying your creativity and inspiration.

Kind regards,

Rachael Budden

English Co-ordinator



17th January

We would like to find out your views/opinions/comments about our school through our Parents/Carer Questionnaire. This is an opportunity for school to gather your thoughts and feelings and for us to take on board your feedback.
We would be very grateful if you could take the time to complete the questionnaire before half term.
You can find the questionnaire on our school website, under the parents tab.
We will also be sending out a link via text and email so you can access it on your mobile/computer devices too.
Ofsted would also really like your feedback about our school through their ‘Parent View’ online questionnaire, the link in on our school website:

Your Views

A reminder that it’s Parents Evening on the 14th March, your child’s Class Teacher will be in touch soon to arrange an appointment with you.
We would like as many parents/carers to attend as possible so you have an opportunity to speak to the Class Teacher and also celebrate the excellent work your children have been doing.
Just a reminder that your child breaks up for half term at 3.15pm on the 16th February.
Yours sincerely

Chris Rollings
Head Teacher
15th January

There is the opportunity to have your child’s haircut on the Tuesday 6 February at Hadrian School.
We have qualified hairdressing staff who work in school who will be cutting your child’s hair. We can only offer dry cuts. The hair cuts will be during the school day.
We are also offering a manicure/pedicure/nail polish.
If you are interested in accessing this service please send the form below into school with your money by Friday 2 February so that we have time to plan the timetable of appointments. All funds will be donated to school. 9th January

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed a special time with family and friends and are looking forward to what 2024 has to offer. We are delighted to welcome your children back to school, including some friends we haven’t seen for a while who have been off poorly, great to have you all back!
Did you all enjoy reading the latest edition of the Hadrian Herald? I keep meaning to canvas parents and ask if some of you would like the larger version at a cost of £5 per copy? If this is something you are interested in then for future editions we could order larger copies for those families who would prefer this option. Drop me an email or chat in DoJo to your Class Team and let me know your thoughts.
John and June return to their class teams this term and Josie steps into John’s shoes as Class Teacher, and if you have read the Herald you will have seen we recently welcomed Amy Harris to the teaching team too. We’ve also recruited some new additional support staff to school, so as we speak we are back to a full complement of staff for the first time in ages!
Those of you who attended our Christmas Concert or read the Herald will have noted the retirement of Mrs. Pat Fox as our Chair of Governors. I just wanted to remind all parents that the new Chair is Mrs. Marian Stokle and her details for contact are on our website.
Just a timely reminder that might have slipped your attention. We have a school rule of no jewellery, no ear-piercings, chains etc. The reason is linked to safety and potential damage or loss of items that may be important to you. Your children take part in PE, Swimming, Soft Play, Rebound Therapy and lots of physical play where the ear and ear piercing may get damaged or chains broken so we prefer all children not to wear any items of jewellery at all. Please feel free to chat if there is some particular reason this may be an inconvenience to you.
Look out for reminders of forthcoming events, such as Parent’s Evening, Confident Parenting, training course opportunities, Friends of Hadrian and much more on the horizon. As ever, any links to the business community or fund raising ideas for our Hydrotherapy Pool would be very much appreciated, just get in touch or give me a call to chat through your ideas.
The school will be starting to use the Teachers to Parents Email system to send out correspondents from school, but we will still be publishing letters etc. on the school website, and sending out hard copies as well as our text service and Class Dojo.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings
Head Teacher

20th December

Many thanks to those that were able to join us for our Christmas Concerts last week, I am sure you will agree that our children and staff did us proud and rose to the occasion.
As we approach the end of the Autumn Term you will soon be receiving the latest edition of the Hadrian Herald which once again is packed with news from the classrooms and all the events that have happened in school this term. I hope you all enjoy reading this edition and if ever you would like to write an article from a Parent’s view, just give me a call.
We break up on Thursday at 3:15pm and the children return to school on Tuesday 9th January 2024. We have two staff Training Days in between where we will be catching up on a combination of Health Training, Outdoor Learning, Thrive Training, OT and Cognition/Maths Training for all staff.
This week your children will be having their class Christmas parties and catching up with a range of Christmas related activities. The Stagecoach Santa Bus that visited school last week will once again be in the City Centre this week, and the wonderful TimbaDash Theatre Company will also be performing their recent ‘Wintry Night’ at Gosforth Civic Theatre this week too, so look out for that too.
At some point this week your child will be coming home with a gift from our fantastic friends at Blakelaw Social Club who every year look after our children. Can I take this opportunity to thank all those kind parents who have sent cards and gifts for the hard working staff, they all really do appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Can I also, on behalf of all the team here at Hadrian wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas season and every best wishes for the New Year.
Those families in receipt of Free School Meal Vouchers will find them enclosed in your child’s bag tonight.
Look out for lots of new exciting opportunities next term, from social events, to Parent’s Evening, and remember to get in touch and talk to us about any of your thoughts at any time in the school year.
Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings
Head Teacher8th December 29th November

As Christmas quickly approaches, we wanted to share all of our important information and dates for your diaries, so you don’t miss out on anything.
Firstly, a big welcome to our newest teacher, Amy Harris and her team who have joined to support the opening of our 20th classroom. Our Hadrian family and community continues to grow and we know everyone will come together to give our new children the full Hadrian experience.
Thank you to all of those who supported and attended our very first Car Boot Sale which turned into a Table Top Sale due to the sub-zero temperatures; this is something we would love to repeat in the Spring and Summer Terms if there is a good demand for this, there were some great bargains to be had!
We’re excited to welcome our friends TimbaDash next week sharing their story ‘A Wintery Night’ with some of our classes. Back by popular demand will be our Parents Show on the evening of Wednesday 6th December for curtains up at 4:30pm. If you’re interested in attending this, could you let our
Admin Team know and we will get all the information to you ASAP.
Friday 8th December is our Annual Elf Day!! Children are invited to come in dressed up like an Elf and each class will be participating in their own sponsored activities around school all day, before a HUGE school­wide Conga. Attached is a sponsor form if you’re able to spread this news far and wide. Stay in touch with everything that is happening that day through our school’s Facebook page, search The Friends of Hadrian School. On the evening, 5:00-7:00pm we will also be having our Christmas Fayre; your chance to raid the table top stalls, bottle & toy tombolas, games, Condercum Crafts, raffles and the Polar Express into Santa’s Grotto. This is always a huge success and it would be lovely to see as many people there as possible; we’ll be in our Sports Hall with a range of things going on.
Any donations for any of the tables for the Christmas Fayre would be greatly appreciated; but most importantly, we would love to see you and the whole family there.
See overleaf for dates and events of everything coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Happy Holidays!!

Head Teacher

7th November

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the break and the Halloween and Bonfire celebrations? Tickets are still available for our Bonfire Night this Friday, £3, which is always a great social occasion. There will be refreshments on sale, veggie and meat hot dogs, chip butties, veggie soup, tea & coffee etc.
We will be having our annual Remembrance Assembly this Friday at 1 0:00am, space is very, very limited as we are in our School Hall, but if anyone feels keen to be with us, please get in touch and let me know. It will be even more poignant this year as we will remember Nicole and sad news, Tommy Thompson, one of our much loved and long serving Governors also passed away last week. We will do them both proud and their lives will live long in our memories.
Dates for your diary include the following;

-Bonfire Night Friday 10th November 5.00pm – 7.00pm

-Tuesday 14th November ‘Coffee Morning’ at The Denton Pub 11 :30am in support of Hadrian

-Car Boot Sale Sunday 26th November 11 :00am – 1 :00pm in our car park at Hadrian

-TimbaDash Theatre Company will be performing ‘A Wintry Night’ on the 6th December after school, more details will follow soon

-Elf Day’ Friday 8th December, more details to follow

-Christmas Fayre Friday 8th December 5:00pm – 7:00pm

-The Stagecoach ‘Christmas Santa Bus’ is visiting school on Wednesday 13th December

More information will follow of school Christmas Parties, Lunch, Trips to Santa, Concerts etc.
We are always looking for additional voluntary support in school, so if you have any spare time you could commit regularly to school, please get in touch. We also need some interested friends to support a new gardening project, so all you green fingered friends please get in touch too.
The School Council are always asking for prams and baby dolls and outdoor toys, so if you are having a clear out and have any of these items to spare, we would gladly put them to good use.

Yours Sincerely,

Chris Rollings
Head Teacher

2nd October 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

Many thanks to those that were able to attend our Coffee Morning last week, I hope you found it useful to meet so many of the professionals working into school.
Our Harvest Festival is coming up next week. Please help us help those most in need by sending in any tinned goods, dried foods or fresh fruit and veg next week. You are welcome to come and join our celebrations in our Sports Hall at 1 :30pm next Wednesday.
Dates for your diary include the following;

• Harvest Festival Wednesday 11th October 1.30pm

• Pie & Pea Supper Thursday 12th October 5.00pm – 7 .00pm. Tickets now on sale

• Halloween Disco Friday 27th October 5.00pm – 7.00pm

• Bonfire Night Friday 10th November 5.00pm – 7.00pm

Covid is on the rise
Remember common sense is the answer. Please don’t send your child into school if they are unwell or symptomatic, we have some very vulnerable children in school that we need to protect.
We are always looking for additional voluntary support in school, so if you have any spare time you could commit regularly to school, please get in touch. We also need some interested friends to support a new gardening project, so all you green fingered friends please get in touch too.
Pharmacy Support
Our new Pharmacy Team starts tomorrow in school. More details will follow, but we are very excited to be trialing this new approach to supporting our school and Sir Charles Parsons with medications, repeat scripts, monitoring the administration of meds etc.
Contact Details
Can you help us by ensuring we have two phone numbers in case we need to contact you about changes of address, medications, appointments etc. If you haven’t yet retuned the form can you please do so ASAP.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings
Head Teacher



7th September 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back and a very warm welcome to all of our new starters and their families who have joined our Hadrian family this week. I hope you have enjoyed the summer break, despite the weather, and as expected, the sun shines when we get back to school! There is so much to look forward to this term, including the return of the amazing TimaDash Theatre Company, Parent/Staff social events, Achiever Assemblies, and much more.

Dates for your diary include the following;

  • Friends of Hadrian meeting next Tuesday 12th September 4.00pm live and on Zoom
  • School Photographer Monday 18th September
  • Multi-Professional Coffee Morning Wednesday 27th September 9.30am
  • Harvest Festival Wednesday 11th October 1.30pm
  • Pie & Pea Supper Thursday 12th October 5.00pm – 7.00pm
  • Halloween Disco Friday 27th October 5.00pm – 7.00pm
  • Bonfire Night Friday 10th November 5.00pm – 7.00pm

Very soon you will be receiving your child’s timetable for the week so you know which days are PE or swimming etc. You will also be involved in conversations around your child’s immediate learning goals and therapeutic needs. Remember, you are welcome into school at any time during the week, all we ask is that if you require time to talk to the Teacher or Leadership Team you make an appointment so we can plan it into our diaries.

Can you help by sending in spare clothes, where appropriate pads and wipes, PE & swimming kits (named if possible), juice, fruit, healthy snacks for the classroom and a reminder that children should not wear jewellery in school including earrings for health & safety reasons.

It was so nice to welcome your children to school yesterday, we will have a fun filled assembly tomorrow to share our plans with the children and I look forward to catching up with you over the next weeks and months.

Concrete Safety Letter

As I’m sure you are aware, our building is safe from the concrete issue, so hopefully we will have no interruptions to our autumn term, please see the attached letter.

Contact Details

Can you help us by ensuring we have two phone numbers in case we need to contact you about changes of address, medications, appointments etc. We will be sending out data collection sheets over the next few weeks to ensure we have all your up to date information.


The Immunizations Team will be in school at the 29th September. If you would like your child to receive the Flu Vaccination please read the attached letter which explains how to go online and give consent.

Parent/Carer Training

Our training company HEADS is supporting parent/carer training opportunities again this year. All training is free of charge and is taking place at Hadrian School. Please see attached the list of courses we have available. If you would like to attend any of the training courses please send the return slip back into school or email daniel.coffey@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk, or david.palmer@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk

SEND Transport

If you have any transport issues please contact the Local Authority SEND Transport Team on 0191 2774646

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher




Dear Parents and Carers,

You may have seen recent media coverage regarding Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and its use in educational settings. RAAC is a lightweight form of concrete; because it is weaker than regular concrete, concerns have been raised about its long-term durability. Department for Education (DfE) has recently changed its guidance to education settings on the management of RAAC to take a more precautionary approach and as a result areas in affected spaces will be vacated.

We wanted to inform you that we are not affected by this decision as we do not have RAAC in any of our buildings and therefore they will continue to function as normal. We understand that parents may want to understand more about the support to educational settings to manage RAAC safely. You can read more through the article published by the DfE on the Education Hub.

I hope that this offers reassurance.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher