4th September 2024

Dear Parent/Carers,

Welcome back and a very warm welcome to all of our new starters and their families who have joined our Hadrian family this week. I hope you have enjoyed the summer break, despite the weather, and as expected, the sun shines when we get back to school! Did you enjoy reading the summer edition of the Hadrian Herald? If any families would like to write a piece for the new magazine about your journey as a Parent, your views on school, your fundraising ideas for the new Hydrotherapy Pool, or any topic close to your hearts, please drop me an email.

There is so much to look forward to this term, including lots of exciting outdoor learning opportunities, Harvest Festival and later in the term Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Dates for your diary include the following;

  • School Photographer Monday 16th September
  • Friends of Hadrian Meeting Wednesday 25th September 4:00pm-6:00pm live or on Zoom. New members always welcome
  • Macmillan Coffee Afternoon 2:00pm Friday 27th September, more details to follow
  • Multi-Professional Coffee Morning 9:30am Tuesday 1st October
  • Harvest Festival Wednesday 16th October 1:30pm
  • Halloween ‘Pop-up Café’ on Thursday 24th October
  • Halloween Disco Friday 25th October 1:30pm
  • Bonfire Night Friday 8th November 5:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Remembrance Assembly Monday 11th November 1:30pm


Very soon you will be receiving your child’s timetable for the week so you know which days are PE or swimming etc. You will also be involved in conversations around your child’s immediate learning goals and therapeutic needs. Remember, you are welcome into school at any time during the week, all we ask is that if you require time to talk to the Teacher or Leadership Team you make an appointment so we can plan it into our diaries.

Can you help by sending in spare clothes, where appropriate pads and wipes, PE & swimming kits (named if possible), juice, fruit, healthy snacks for the classroom and a reminder that children should not wear jewellery in school including earrings for health & safety reasons.

It was so nice to welcome your children to school today, we will have a fun filled assembly on Friday to share our plans with the children and I look forward to catching up with you over the next weeks and months.

News from school

We are delighted to report that Zoe, our Massage Therapist, gave birth to a baby boy, Parker over the summer. Mother and baby are both doing well. We have also welcomed a new Teacher, Deborah Rushton to school and are delighted to see our Lauren Knox step into a Teaching role this term, best wishes to one and all.

Contact Details

Can you help us by ensuring we have two phone numbers in case we need to contact you about changes of address, medications, appointments etc. We will be sending out data collection sheets over the next few weeks to ensure we have all your up to date information.

Parent/Carer Training

Our training company HEADS is supporting parent/carer training opportunities again this year. All training is free of charge and is taking place at Hadrian School. If you would like to attend any of the training courses please contact school or email daniel.coffey@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk, or david.palmer@hadrian.newcastle.sch.uk


The Immunisations Team will be in school at the 20th September. If you have booked your child’s immunization non-line this will take place sometime on the 20th.

SEND Transport

If you have any transport issues please contact the Local Authority SEND Transport Team on 0191 2774646


Yours sincerely,

Chris Rollings

Head Teacher