Hello everyone,
What a week we’ve had! its flown by and starting to become very festive in school. But first we had to squeeze some work in, Monday we were balancing items in maths. The children we’re pretty good at it as well and enjoyed it. In the afternoon we made what we we’re calling monkey treats, banana dipped in chocolate and sprinkles very tasty. Tuesday we spent a lot of time outside first doing some road safety on our zebra crossing in the carpark. The children especially liked this and in the afternoon we had outdoor learning finding sticks and leaves to and exact weight and measurement.
We got to go swimming on Wednesday which is always fun and the children are becoming so much more confident in the water. When we got back to school we made some Christingles which will be coming home for you to see. Thursday was a lovely day with our Advent assembly, the huge Christmas tree lights were turned on in the school hall and we also decorated our classroom. In the afternoon we had our lovely friend the storyteller come in to school and entertained us.
Friday was Half term achievers so the children got to watch all the fabulous videos of children in other classes which they always enjoy.
Last week swimming next Wednesday until next year.