We had a wonderful and very busy day on our trip. Everyone had a lovely time and thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.

The tunnels were very dark, underneath the ground and designed to fit 10.000 people during World War II. Some of us got a little bit scared in the tunnels as we turned all the torches off at one point and it was so dark, we couldn’t see a thing! It was a great experience for everyone as it gave another insight into life during the war and how hard it must have been for some people.

To continue the day we had a little workshop and learned very interesting things about life during the war in the city of Newcastle.

When the workshop finished we enjoyed our lunch and headed to the metro station and got our tickets for the train. We got on board and headed to our final destination, Central Station.

It’s always our pleasure to take the children out and we have had a wonderful trip!

Phil, Mandy, Sharon and George.

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