5B have continued floating in space this week (not literally of course) as some more of the class visited the Centre for Life to learn about stars.

As part of the workshop, they created their own constellation using black paper, white pencil and star stickers. They look very effective! As well as this, they visited the planetarium to listen to an interactive story. Everyone really enjoyed themselves and learned lots.

In class, we focused on our favourite star, The Sun. We learned that it is made of gas, that its light takes about eight minutes to travel to Earth (light speed), it has a temperature of about 10 000°F, it is NOT on fire and that The Sun is a source of light.

Some of us were lucky enough to visit Nun’s Moor Fair on Thursday and, those that went had an amazing time. While those children had all the fun of the fair, those that stayed behind also had fun as we watched Lego Batman and ate popcorn.

We had our last dance lesson with Paul from Dance City this week. We have had such a good time learning urban dance moves with him and everyone has got better and grown in confidence each week.

We interviewed Paul as part of our Arts Award, too. We learned lots of interesting things about him… he is in a dance crew called ‘The Bad Taste Crew’ and his favourite move is the ‘baby freeze’ – he showed us the move, which you can see below.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!


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