Hello everyone.

We have had a very busy week this week. In addition to our usual activities we have learned about why we wear poppies on remembrance day and we have had a lovely day of Pudsey bear themed activities today.
On Thursday we had a whole morning of motor skills based activities. All of the children tried incredibly hard during this session. We started with some finger skills warm ups before moving on to a series of games. These games included stacking & arranging small cups, joining coloured dots without crossing the previously drawn lines, using play dough, using the pressing frogs and trying to get them to land in the tub, stretching elastic bands around a tube, moving a car with a pen tied to it around a track as well as over writing and copy writing activities.

On Wednesday morning the children made an ‘everything stew’. This is a stew that was made in war times that involved tomatoes, oxo cubes, cabbage, vegetarian mince (although during the war this would have been beef mince) and any vegetables that people had left over from other meals. This stew was made because it was quick, simple and it used all the left overs. Which was important during times of rationing. The children were all great at peeling and chopping the veg and they all really enjoyed trying it during snack time.

We would also like to say a big well done to Charlie L who earned our certificate this week. This was awarded to Charlie because he has been working so hard on his Maths and English learning outcomes this week. Charlie has really applied himself, especially when working on his number bonds to 10. He has been using numicon to create number sentences and could read them independently, always recognising the + & the = signs. Well done Charlie!

We hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.

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