We have hit the ground running this week after half term.  What a great week to begin Autumn 2.

Our new addition Ameenah has settled into class brilliantly.  She is finding new friends and loving exploring our sensory based curriculum.

This week we’ve been exploring different ways to make poppies for next week’s remembrance assembly.  Using each of our children’s individual interests and preferences we made a poppy with each child.  Katrina loved making her poppies with scrunched up paper.  Hope, Basheer and Ameenah shared the water tray, filling their very own sensory bottles with red water and special glitter to represent their poppies.

James came into school this week with his super duper new wheelchair.  It was clear he had been part of the design team.  WOW! Black trains on both the wheels AND the tray with light that shine when he moves!  He was the envy of the school.  We’ll share some photo’s of his new chariot in our next blog.

Raphael has been working very hard in his exploration work.  He is reaching out to explore a range of textures in sensory food exploration. Well done Raphael.




Well done to Basheer for being 1B star of the week for his confidence in the hydro pool.  He is now beginning to stand independently!  Well done Basheer.

Have a great weekend everyone.



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