Yesterday we had a wonderful day at our Christmas party. In the morning we went into the School Hall with our friends from KS1 where we joined in with lots of party games such as Christmas corners, musical statues and musical bumps. We went back to class for a quick snack and then we went back into the Hall to sing Christmas songs with different props.

In the afternoon we sang beautiful songs around the smart board “fire” whilst we waited for a special visitor, Santa Claus himself. We sat around the Christmas tree and Santa gave us each a present. We then enjoyed some yummy food. What a busy day.

Clare and the Team

  1. I love all the photos but is there a way we can zoom in or enlarge them? Some are hard to make out on my phone

  2. Michelle Watson

    Brilliant pictures I have found the same sometime you can click on and enlarge it and sometimes it doesn’t let you ??
    Looks like an amazing time seeing Santa and having fun xx

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