Hello and welcome to our blog!

Today we have been having lots of fun down at the Ouseburn Farm. We have been learning about what life was like for children during World War II when they got evacuated to the country. We got some first-hand experience of life on the farm.

We started by looking at some of the animals and feeding some giant cows! This was lots of fun as the cows just didn’t stop eating as they were very hungry! We then had to carry out the job of looking after the sheep so they could go to the field. We made a human fence to stop them from escaping to the Cluny and then ushered them off into the field where we fed them.

After all the excitement of the sheep we needed to go and tend to the chickens who we named Burger, Nugget, Fillet, Goujon and Drumstick.

After all the commotion of the chickens we visited the pigs to feed them some of their pig food. We had to be extra careful when feeding the pigs because their food actually looks like a finger, so we had to throw the food in for them.

Now that all the animals were fed and tended to we needed to learn about growing food in the classroom. We planted a seed into some newspaper and brought them back to school to watch them grow.

We have had a lovely day and we have learnt lots of interesting things.

Thanks for reading.




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