Our new topic in Science this term is Habitats. We explored what a Habitat means and decided we would begin our exploration by making a snail habitat. We found out all about where to find snails and what they needed to live. Babs brought some snails in from a secret place in her garden and then we all went outside to find some more. As we knew where to look we did indeed find plenty. We brought them back to class along with soil, stones, leaves, carrots and fruit.

We placed them all on the table where they had a really good look around( they can actually move quite quickly) Each child had previously chosen a name for their snail and to help identify them (they do look quite similar!) we placed a tiny dot of “snail” varnish in a colour corresponding to the name. At the end of our work on snails we will have a snail race and see whose snail wins! We made a luxury home (in fact we made two as we had so many) and will continue to care for them in class for a short time before releasing them back into the garden.

Babs, Lindsay, Jess and Ann.

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