In Science this term we are finding out about different Habitats. To enhance our learning we had a visit to The Great North Museum. We enjoyed a very practical workshop where we were able to handle a range of different animals which are usually behind glass display cabinets and out of bounds to the public. We found out about their particular features and also what kind of habitat they would have lived in.

After our session we enjoyed our packed lunch and had some time in the Study Garden before going on to explore the rest of the museum. With your kind donations we were able to go to the Butterfly Wall where we designed our own school butterfly which is now flying around on the interactive wall.

We found many more animals and their different habitats as we walked around the museum. We also explored the Romans display and we were delighted that the children remembered so much about them. There was an amazing virtual reality wall where we could write our initial on a brick which was then used to build the wall. A Roman soldier kept checking up on it!

What a brilliant day and it will really help with our work.

Babs, Lindsay, Jess and Ann


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