On Tuesday 7th May, 5B braved the drop in the sudden drop in spring temperatures to visit Leazes Park in Newcastle. We were very glad we did, too!

The park was lush and green and was beautiful to walk through but, even better, was the sight of numerous ducklings on Leazes Lake. We were all surprised (and excited) by how brave these fragile, little birds were as, not only did they swim up to us straight away, they even got out and came right up to us! Obviously, they were hopeful for some food but, as we had no bird seed, they were unlucky. We will be armed with seed next time we go!

As well as ducks and ducklings, we also saw a swan, some Canada geese and a moorhen…there was even one tiny baby moorhen swimming about!

We continued our walk up to the playground and enjoyed ourselves playing in the two playgrounds in the park. There was lots of climbing apparatus and several slides which everyone had great fun using.

After a quick snack, we returned to the minibus, walking by the Victorian bandstand on the way.

Everyone was really tired in the afternoon, but we had an absolutely fantastic morning!

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