What an amazing week everyone at Hadrian (not just 5B) had at school last week! Why? Well, if you didn’t know already, last week was Science and Design Technology Week so we focused on investigating, exploring, designing and creating.

Summing up all the things that happened is hard to do in just one blog, but here it goes…

On Monday, we were visited by ‘Cool Science Guy’ and his friend, ‘Cool Science Lady.’ They did a special assembly in the morning, demonstrating all kinds of amazing science experiments. From recreating a sonic boom and a tornado, to getting Mr Rollins to hold the sun in his hands, everything they did was amazing! In the afternoon, each class had a workshop with Cool Science Guy and Lady where they made gooey slime!

Some of us visited the Star-Lab and the light and dark room. Both of them were great fun to explore.

Some of us also had bubble-play in the sunshine, which was a wonderful experience!

Of course, it wasn’t all about science. For design and technology, we all did boat building in class. This linked well to science (floating and sinking) as we tried to get our boats to sail across the hydro pool…with varying level of success!

DT links to outdoor learning, too. As part of this, on Tuesday and Wednesday, we were visited by Nick Fenwick from ‘The Badger and the Bear’ who did den building and fire building with some of the children. It was quite scary using a flint and steel to make sparks to light the fire, but most of us managed it. We toasted marshmallows over the fire once in was lit – yummy!

Everyone showed off their cooking skills in the grand Hadrian Bake-Off, judged by Mr Rollins and Mrs Stokle. The theme was ‘spring’ and everyone came up with some magnificent creations! 5B had to bake SIX sponge cakes to make our masterpiece! It was covered with FIVE colours of butter icing, too. Impressive is the only word to describe it. The children also painted and decorated a box to display the cake, complete with daffodils and fondant sheep.

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