This week, 5B have been working hard on their individual targets – especially in maths and literacy.

Some of us continued our work on number by developing our ability to recognise numerals up to 5 and 1:1 correspondence up to 5 (and in some cases more). Others focused on their using and applying skills by sorting objects or identifying why an object did not belong to a group. Some children focused on measures by developing their understanding of long and short. Everyone worked incredibly hard and did some super work!

In literacy, we have done lots of work on fine motor skills as well as developing our fluency when writing our names. It has really paid off as, again, there was some amazing work done!

On Friday this week, Year 3/4 are having a cake sale to raise money for a very important cause – the Alzheimer’s Society. 5B wanted to do their bit to help so, in food technology, we made a banana loaf. We had a practise run on Wednesday to make sure that our contribution was going to taste good and it did! Light, fluffy and not a soggy bottom in sight! We baked another one on Thursday to donate to the cake sale… and had some fun with the flour afterwards!

Tomorrow, we are headed out on a trip to Washington Wetland Centre as part of our science topic ‘Lifecycles.’ On the trip, we will be pond-dipping, learning about life-cycles of insects, feeding ducks and other birds and seeing other animals that live on/near water – even flamingos!

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