We have had the most wonderful week getting to know each-other in class 2/3! We have 12 lovely children and 6 amazing adults who will make up the 2/3 gang and we have all had so much fun exploring our new classroom environment and building relationships with each-other. Soon we will send home a copy of our timetable, but until then here are a few key pieces of information you will need to know this year:
Our PE lesson will be on a Tuesday morning. Please send in shorts and a t-Shirt for your child to wear in this session. We will send these PE kits home at the end of each term.
Some children will access hydrotherapy sessions on a Thursday afternoon, we will ask these pupils to send in the appropriate kit, including swim nappies.
Snack contributions
A huge thank you to those of you who have already sent in snack items for the children! We really appreciate any contributions you could make for our class snack time, especially if your child likes any specific snacks or drinks. This time is an important part of our communication curriculum and without your kind donations, such as biscuits, fruit or yogurts, we would not be able to run these important learning opportunities.
Personal Care
Could you please make sure we have a supply of pads / pull ups, spare clothes and wipes in school for your child. We will let you know when your child is running low.
Coffee morning
As a team we are really looking forward to working closely with you and we would like to get to know you a little better by holding a coffee morning later in the term. We will send a letter out when we have organised a date for this. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Our main method of communication will be in the home-school diary and this blog. We hope you love looking at photos on our weekly blog and hearing about your child’s day in the diary but of course, if you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at school.
Ellen, Ray, Kairen, Sharon, Paula and Clare

So glad everyone is settling in well, looking forward to many more blogs and pictures. James said he was happy he found the trains x