What a busy week we’ve had again. We continue to work on our wonderful sculptures in Art. This week we used papier mache to strengthen our structures ready to add different interesting materials next week.

It was the start of Chinese New Year celebrations on Wednesday and we began the celebrations with a very interactive assembly. We began to find out about Chinese New Year and enjoyed a class quiz which we will revisit later to see how much we have learnt. Some children made lanterns, some decorated dragon masks and some children practised Chinese writing! We will make Chinese food next week in food technology and get involved in some dragon dancing.

We also celebrated two birthdays this week. More photographs to come next week as we’re having a party this afternoon for Lydia’s 9th birthday.

And finally, we have created a new story area which Nathan has fully embraced, presenting his story telling to the class. Wonderful!

Have a good weekend.

Babs, Lindsay, Ann and Jess

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