5B’s first week back has been brilliant!

We began the week with a visit to Exhibition Park as we thought it would be a great way to blow away the cobwebs after our half term holiday. Thankfully, the weather stayed dry and we were able to enjoy a stroll through the park to the playground. There was lots of great equipment for us the play on and we all worse ourselves out – it was a very quiet bus journey back to school!

As always, we have been doing plenty of work since our return. Maths, literacy, food technology, phonics and art have all been covered.

In food technology, we used our spreading, grating and chopping skills to make cheese toasties. There were a range of fillings on offer: ham, cheese, tuna, onion and tomato. To keep things healthy, we used one slice of bread to make our toasties as two slices would have been too much! We ate the finished toasties during snack time and they were delicious!

In art, we began making our Father’s Day cards. Obviously, the details of these needs to remain top secret until nearer the time!

In maths, we focused on number work. Everyone had different areas of number to focus on, from adding through to counting and number recognition. We are pleased to say that, even after a week’s break, everyone did brilliantly!

Roll on week two!

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