Its Friday! And its Half Term Friday! Boy are we ready for it in our busy, busy class!
This week the children have been busy working on their outcomes for Assessment Week. As you can see they have been working very hard. Aurora has been working on ordering the letters of her name, Kian has been learning the shop names for his Social Sight Vocabulary and Grace has been working hard on perfecting her writing of her name. All the children have been working on shape in Maths this week and they have been making rockets with circles, triangles and rectangles. Ruby has started to learn the order of the months of the year and Noah has been learning some sight words to help him read.
This week Antonia focused on a very important skill and spent some time with the children teaching them how to put on their own coats! This is a very important life skill and in our class we promote as much independence as possible, as well as the curriculum learning. We do this through our daily breakfast club and at lunchtime also.
We had a special treat for Tulisa’s birthday this week and made some banana muffins. They were delicious. The children then enjoyed some dancing and cake with Tulisa. Happy 9th Birthday Tulisa!
Have a fun filled and relaxing half term everyone!