Hello everyone,
There is a letter coming home today about the haircut workshop we will be running in school in a few weeks. if you’d like your child to attend and get a haircut, or start to become more familiar and comfortable with the process, then the price is £5.
Have a good weekend!
This week in Antonia’s class the children have been so busy attending assemblies and performances, they haven’t had a minute! But they have still had time to do some excellent learning and most importantly keep fit and healthy with some sports.
This week our football coach Graham came in to start an intense football course with the children. They worked on their basic ball skills this week and played games like dodgeball. The children found this session amazing for their fitness. They were certainly tired afterwards! Most importantly though, they thoroughly enjoyed it! Graham is so funny and makes the training and learning fun. They hardly noticed they were working hard physically.
As well as attending our usual Achievement Assembly this morning the children have also been to watch the Year 6 production of King Lear. This performance was part of the Shakespeare in Schools Festival which the Year 6 pupils had performed at the Northern Stage on Friday night to a standing ovation. Antonia’s Class were lucky enough to get to watch it in the Sports Hall on Thursday morning. It was AMAZING! The children and adults involved, under Marc’s really creative direction, should be so proud of themselves.
We also had a special Assembly to say goodbye to our lovely friend Pat Collins who died recently. Pat was an amazing friend to our school and she will be missed. All her lovely friends and family came to school to help us celebrate her life and all the things she has done for our school.
Our Half Term Achiever today was the fabulous Grace! Grace has worked so well this half term and is a star! Well done Grace!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Welcome back to the last school term of this year! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
In Antonia’s Class we have been straight back into our learning by starting our new topic of Rainforests. It is going to be such an interesting topic. The children started the topic this week by learning about some of the rainforest animals and painting beautiful pictures of them. They painted lots of wonderful animals they had never heard of before such as a Toucan.
Of course we have been continuing our learning in Maths and English as usual. This week at breakfast the children made their own beans on toast for a special welcome back breakfast. Then they sequenced the instructions and tried to recall what they had done. Some children wrote their instructions and we have some lovely writing in books now.
This week the children returned to the school hall with their friends for dinner. It was lovely to be able to go up to the hatch and choose their own meals again. And of course see their friends!
The highlight of this week for the children has been our trip to the funfair! We have been so lucky to get to go and try all the rides. It was so much fun! Best day ever!
This week in Antonia’s class we have been busy working on our Maths, English and Science. The children have been busy counting, ordering numerals, counting out of sequence and counting into groups. In Science the children have also carried out a very exciting experiment based on soap. We have carried on our soap theme for this week with this experiment and used dishsoap and cinnamon to create a very shocking reaction in water. It was so much fun!
As well as sticking to our usual fun learning time of the core subjects we have also had lots of Easter fun! We made lovely Easter cards, recapped on the Easter Story in RE, made some delicious chocolate Easter nests and had a fun Easter egg hunt. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and loved hunting around school for clues and hidden eggs.
This week our Achiever has been John! John has really worked on his behaviour and concentration. He has produced some lovely work and been an absolute star! Well done John!
We also got to have a sneak preview of the Yr 6 production of Shakespeare for the Shakespeare in Schools Festival coming up after Easter. It is sooooooo good and we can’t wait to see the final production. Well done guys it’s looking amazing!
It has also been Anika’s birthday this week and we celebrated with a lovely chocolate cake sent in by her parents. Thanks and Happy Birthday Anika!
Have a lovely Easter holiday everyone! See you all in two weeks!
What a weird weather week we have had! We started the week with beautiful weather and started some lovely spring activities and Easter crafts but then……………it snowed! The children thoroughly enjoyed some Art activities this week making little chick Easter cards, Spring flowers hand printing and some lovely painting within the lines. The children are getting great at cleaning their brushes and changing colour of paint. So grown up! They also find this activity really relaxing.
They also found out about the artist Andy Goldsworthy this week and made some transient art with natural objects based on his work for their Arts Award. The children loved working with shells, tree bark and pebbles to create some interesting patterns.
The big surprise of the week was snow! After a weekend of sunbathing the children were shocked to wake up to snow on Thursday morning. We took the opportunity to get out and have snowball fights one last time this year, we hope!
We also had some special visitors to class this week that have been doing the rounds around school. We had the living eggs chicks in class on Thursday afternoon and they were a big hit! The children got to hold and stroke them as well as learning about how to look after them. They were soooooo cute!
Our achiever this week was Holly. Holly has been working so hard on her spelling and reading as well as her Maths! She has had a fantastic week and we are so proud of her. Well done Holly!
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week for our last check-in before the Easter Holidays!
This week in Antonia’s class we have been very busy! The children have been Scientists and making their own soap! They have been continuing with their Inventors and Inventions topic and learning about the invention of soap. Did you know the Babylonians invented soap in 2800 BC? They used to use ash and animal fat to wash with as soap! The children explored some animal fat and ash before they made their own soap for a very special day coming up this weekend…. The children melted soap base, added purple colouring and a lovely lavender smell before they poured their soap mixture into moulds. They let the soap set overnight and when it was hard they popped it out of the moulds and packaged it beautifully in tied cloth. It smells lovely! We hope the special mums, nannas, aunties, and carers love them when they receive them on Sunday.
This week we have also had a special coffee morning in class for the parents of our children. The children made special banana muffins to accompany the tea and coffee the parents received on their visit. They looked at the children’s workbooks, met their friends, chatted with Antonia and the class staff and celebrated their achievements. All the parents were super happy with the progress of their child and how happy they are in school. It was a lovely morning and we all loved meeting families! Thanks so much for coming along.
This week Kian received our Half Term Achievers award for all the fabulous learning he has done this half term. He has been meeting so many outcomes and generally just soaring in his speaking and communication recently. Well done Kian!
Happy Friday! Have a lovely weekend!
This week the children in Antonia’s class have started their Arts Award Discover accreditation. They have been busy learning about and working on some Art linked to the artist Wassily Kandinsky. Some of the children have been colour mixing while others have been working hard on their cutting skills and making beautiful collages based on Kandinsky’s Concentric Circles. They are very excited to complete their first Arts Award and have so many exciting things coming up to add to it including a meet and interview with an artist!
The children have been working on their fine and gross motor skills this week in both Kangaroo Club and class. They have been practicing zips and fastenings and on the trampoline they have been learning some new moves and exercises.
This week we celebrated two special days! On Thursday we celebrated St Patrick’s Day by learning all about St Patrick and dressing in green. In the afternoon we all had a dance to some Irish music! Today we marked Red Nose Day by raising money for Comic Relief and dressing in fancy dress and red clothes.
The children have also been practicing their beautiful singing this week with Sing School on Wednesday with Fran and a whole School Singalong Assembly in the afternoon. It was so nice to all be together again singing lovely songs and having fun.
Well done to Grace and Holly who received medals in assembly today for their fabulous reading this week. Both girls have achieved their reading outcomes and are moving on to new sounds and words.
Please come back next week for photos of our coffee morning next Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
The children in Antonia’s Class have had such a fun and creative week leading up to World Book Day on Thursday! They continued with their ‘Inventors and Inventions’ topic and found out about and created fireworks in a jar. This was so fun to do! The children used oil and food colouring to create a beautiful explosion of colour in their jars of water. They thoroughly enjoyed using the pipettes.
This week we have focused on the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and made some delicious chocolate cupcakes! The tiger in the story eats all the food in the cupboard including the cakes. The children then worked on sequencing the recipe the next day and trying to remember what they had done. They did a really good job at this and even tried to read the recipe to the adults afterwards.
On Thursday for World Book Day the children were lucky enough to take part in a Dance Rocks session with Jo. It was sooooooooooo good! They learned lots of new dances based on books and were so tired afterwards. Of course everyone dressed up in pyjamas or as one of their favourite characters. We get involved with lots of enthusiasm in our class.
Another special treat occurred when the children made some special Willy Wonka hot chocolate after the cold playtime outside this week. They used their whisking skills and enjoyed a lovely hot chocolate with marshmallows. They really have been spoiled this week!
In school on Thursday we took part in a special World Book Day Assembly with special readings of stories and our own version of the Masked Storyteller. It was so funny! We sang songs and loved looking at everyone’s costumes on the Catwalk.
This afternoon we celebrated Kian’s birthday which is on Sunday. Happy 8th Birthday Kian!
Its Friday! And its Half Term Friday! Boy are we ready for it in our busy, busy class!
This week the children have been busy working on their outcomes for Assessment Week. As you can see they have been working very hard. Aurora has been working on ordering the letters of her name, Kian has been learning the shop names for his Social Sight Vocabulary and Grace has been working hard on perfecting her writing of her name. All the children have been working on shape in Maths this week and they have been making rockets with circles, triangles and rectangles. Ruby has started to learn the order of the months of the year and Noah has been learning some sight words to help him read.
This week Antonia focused on a very important skill and spent some time with the children teaching them how to put on their own coats! This is a very important life skill and in our class we promote as much independence as possible, as well as the curriculum learning. We do this through our daily breakfast club and at lunchtime also.
We had a special treat for Tulisa’s birthday this week and made some banana muffins. They were delicious. The children then enjoyed some dancing and cake with Tulisa. Happy 9th Birthday Tulisa!
Have a fun filled and relaxing half term everyone!
This week in Antonia’s class we have been spending lots of time learning lots of new Maths skills! Grace has been working super hard working on learning coins and matching them. Hopefully we will be able to go to the shops soon to use all these new skills we are learning in class. Noah and Kian have been starting to learn about more and less and everyone has had fun learning new Maths games. The children worked in pairs to practice their Maths skills as well as turn taking and working independently. Some of the girls managed to run their games all by themselves.
We have kept fit this week by doing some Pokemon Yoga! The children were so engaged in this and really focused. They stayed on their own mats and kept the ambience of the room nice and calm by staying as quiet as they could. They were so bendy and tried so hard to get into the positions. Well done everyone!
This week in Food Tech the children also made a chinese stir fry. They explored and then chopped all the vegetables to make a delicious stir fry linked to Chinese New Year last week. The got to taste and smell ginger and garlic which was very smelly!
In English they continued with their topic of Telephones and listened to and talked about rhyming words in a poem called Elephony. It was really funny. The children have learned so much this week as usual and, of course, had such a fun time.
Have a lovely weekend!