Hello everyone,
Welcome back and look at what fun the children have had on our first trip of the school year to Long Sands Beach in Tynemouth.
From John and Team.

Hello everyone,
Welcome back and look at what fun the children have had on our first trip of the school year to Long Sands Beach in Tynemouth.
From John and Team.
Hello everyone, what a fabulous last term we have had in John’s class. We’ve made full use of our outdoor area with as many sessions as we could outside when the sun’s been shining.
We’ve also squeezed a summer trip into our busy term with a trip to Haystax – a forest school experience. We met Nikki Noo Noo, explored lots of her outdoor activities, and went in her log cabin for a story and some lovely toasted marshmallows to end the day.
You can see how much fun we’ve had by all the happy smiling faces on our photos!
We are proud of our children and all the progress they have made this year. We are also saying goodbye to our two beautiful year 6 boys who are moving onto the next chapter of their school lives. We will miss you both so much but know you are going to enjoy your new school and make lots of new friends. Best of luck guys.
Have a wonderful summer everyone, stay safe, and see you all on Wednesday September 4th.
From John and the Team
Hello everyone,
This week, our year 6 pupils and some friends have been going on trips for activity week. We have been to Lilidorei, Whitehouse Farm, and Roker beach. Look at how much fun we’ve had!
From John and the team
What a wonderful day we had at the fun fair! Look at the smiles on our children’s faces, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you to Nunsmoor Fair and Northumbria Police for making this possible.
From John and the team
We have had such a fun filled term here in John’s class. Look at all our happy smiling faces doing the things we love to do.
John and the Team
I can’t believe we’re at the end of another school year already! It’s certainly been very busy, but filled with lots and lots of fun. We are so proud of all the children’s achievements this year and it has been lovely to enjoy spending time together this last week for our three-day music festival. Here’s some pictures from this week.
Have a fantastic summer everyone!
John & team
Hello everyone!
We were all excited to go out on Tuesday for our class trip to the Tim Lamb Centre and the Rising Sun Country Park. We didn’t let the rain spoil our fun! Check out our photos of us in the soft play area and café.
From John and the Team.
Hello everyone,
Look how busy we have been this half term! We have squeezed a lot into the last six weeks. Some of our favourite sessions have been Hydrotherapy, Rebound Therapy, Sensory Story, Music Therapy, P.E. and Messy Art. We also had a class trip to the local café for Community Engagement and enjoyed a whole school celebration for the coronation of the new King Charles.
Check out our photos.
From John and the Team.
Where has that term gone? It’s already the last week of the spring term before we break up for the Easter holidays. We have all worked hard in our sessions, especially P.E., where we have been doing our passive movements, stretches, physical management plans, and independent walking. We have also enjoyed music therapy with Tom, and exploration and investigation, with “Lights” as our new topic. We ended the week on a high with a whole school sing-along in the sports hall. We sang and danced to our favourite songs. Look how hard we have worked and how much fun we have had.
We hope you all have a lovely Easter break, and we look forward to seeing all our friends again on Monday April 17th.
From John and the Team
Hello everyone,
This week in class, we have enjoyed sensory story, eye-gaze, soft play, P.E., music therapy, and a trip to the school library. Look how much fun we’ve had.
From John and the Team