Our Topic in Class 3 is Autumn. We have been speaking about what Autumn is, what changes we can see happening in our environment and what things remind us of Autumn. The children came up with lots of different answers like leaves, hedgehogs, conkers, acorns and lots more. We are very lucky as we have a wonderful view of our Playground and all the different trees, so we are able to watch each day the changes that happen, leaves turning different colours and then falling off the trees.
We all went on an Autumn walk around the Adventure Playground. We had to find cards with Autumn things on. After we found all of the cards we then had a hunt around to see if we could the objects on the cards. We did very good looking and managed to find lots of leaves, acorns and sticks.
We covered the table with paper and then spread all of the leaves we found out on the table. We had Autumn coloured paints ready and the children then painted the leaves and they look amazing. After all of the leaves were painted we then poured glue all over them to make them stick to paper. It has made a beautiful Autumn display which is now hanging outside our class. We have already had lots of comments about how good it looks.
Some children then worked very hard to write and type the names of what we found on our Autumn walk along with cutting and sticking the pictures of the objects.
We also made some Autumn inspired playdough. We added some nutmeg to the playdough, it smelled exactly like Autumn! We then had an explore with the playdough and all of things we had collected fir cones, sticks, acorns and conkers. Some of us even tried to make a hedgehog with little match sticks and they looked FANTASTIC!