We had great fun getting messy doing our firework splat pictures and using icing and sprinkles to decorate our firework biscuits.
We had wonderful sensory afternoon making our cakes. We enjoyed weighing, sieving, mixing, baking and finally tasting our delicious fairy buns. We also had great fun playing with sugar and flour and made a great big dusty mess with our icing sugar!
What great fun we’ve had this week reading our story ‘The Gingerbread Man’, we sang his song and played with all of the resources from the story, we even decorated and ate some of our own gingerbread men.
What a lovely surprise we had when Jackie’s dog Harry came to visit us in school. He brought with him some toys and his favourite blanket. He is always so well behaved that we were able to stroke him and have a cuddle.
Welcome everyone to Nursery/Reception 1.
We are so pleased that we are able to blog again so you can all see the wonderful activities we do in class, we have had a busy few weeks since coming back in September and welcoming our new children into school.
Our new class mates are Karl, Aaron and Zack, they have settled in really well and have started to make lots of new friends.
On Wednesday 10th October we had a Harvest Festival assembly where all the classes made a scarecrow and took part in a parade to show them to the rest of the school. We had great fun singing and dancing to our harvest songs.
Our new Blog page will be up and running soon – please keep checking!