It’s been another busy first week back after our lovely week off!  Hope you all had a nice, relaxing half term!

As you can see from the pictures, we have started to do some new work around personal hygiene routines.  It is important to become as independent as possible, so we are focusing on all the things we can do to help ourselves when we get ready in the morning.   We had a great session ‘taking a shower’ with a spray bottle, washing our hands with soap, drying our hair and brushing our hair.  We have turned our role play area into a bathroom with a dressing table.  We have had great fun styling our hair! Everyone is learning the signs that we need to talk about getting ready in the morning. If you would like a copy of the signs we use for bathroom routines, please let me know.

In our numeracy lessons we have been looking at shapes. We have been sorting by shape and discussing the features of circles, squares and triangles.  Some shapes have curved sides, and others have straight sides and sharp corners.

We have also been practising our pattern making and fine motor skills.  Look at the beautiful necklaces that the girls made, earlier this week!  Beautiful!

We have taken advantage of the warm weather and spent lots of time out and about in our school grounds.  We are starting some work on rubbish and recycling, so we picked up some litter in the school grounds to tidy the place up.  We are also watching some peelings left over from our food tech lesson, to see what happens to them over time.  They are already starting to look a bit yucky!

Have a great weekend!

Hannah and Team

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