The old unloved instruments in our music cupboard have been getting a good play this week in our class. As always we love exploring instruments and making music in Antonia’s class but this week the children got to go down to the Music Studio and explore some of the bigger instruments. They played the drums, violin, guitars and even an electric mandolin! We forgot we had that in the back of the dusty old cupboard! There were so many weird and wonderful sound to explore and the children really did enjoy it. We have some budding musicians in our class.
The children also took a trip out this week to visit Newcastle Central Mosque and meet Brother Kareem. The Mosque was so welcoming and our talk from Brother Kareem was so interesting. The children got to dress up and hear all about how Muslims pray. We were very interested to explore the traditional toothbrush or ‘Miswak’ made from the twigs of the Salvadora persica tree, also known as the arak tree or the peelu tree. It had a very strong smell and some of the children were brave enough to brush their teeth with it! They had a lovely time and we would like to thank Brother Kareem for such an interesting lesson while we were there!
This week the children made some lovely Thank You cards for some of the people that help us out on a regular basis. We are very lucky to have so much support from lots of kind people who give their money and time to us! The children explored using marbles and paint to create ‘Jackson Pollock’ style pieces to go on the front of the cards. It was lots of fun!
We have also been making some lovely carnival masks for our School Carnival in July. The children used some lovely colourful feathers and jewels to decorate them.
All in all another very busy and fun week in Antonia’s Class with lots of new things to explore!
See you next week for another exciting update – its only going to get busier coming up to the end of the school year!
Have a lovely weekend.