Class 5 made it through our first week back. We were all quite tired after our week-long break but, we powered through and have been up to lots of exciting things!
In design and technology this half term we are doing bread making. This week, we baked delicious 50/50 garlic and herb bread buns, which we ate during snack. We had to do lots of measuring and kneading, but it was worth it as the bread buns were beautiful!
In maths, we have been adding one using a number track and then just our brains! It’s been hard work, but most of us have mastered it, which is fab.
In science, we started a new topic all about gases. We carried out two investigations this week: ‘Dancing Raisins’ and ‘Bubbling Witches’ Brew.’ For the former, we added a few raisins to a glass of lemonade and, after a few minutes, they appeared to ‘dance’ as they bobbed up and down in the glass. This was because pockets of gas had stuck to the raisins to make them float; as the raisins rose to the surface, the bubbles popped and the raisins sank!
We have been doing a lot of art work this week. We painted sunsets ready to create silhouette pictures for the Remembrance Day assembly on Monday. We also had to make a duck mascot for Children in Need. As well as that, we have started work on making a dragon finger puppet! Suffice to say, it’s been paint-tastic in our room!
In between all this, we even managed to squash in some Cosmic Yoga, phonics and RE. It’s been a very busy week indeed!