This week in Antonia’s class the children have been so busy attending assemblies and performances, they haven’t had a minute! But they have still had time to do some excellent learning and most importantly keep fit and healthy with some sports.
This week our football coach Graham came in to start an intense football course with the children. They worked on their basic ball skills this week and played games like dodgeball. The children found this session amazing for their fitness. They were certainly tired afterwards! Most importantly though, they thoroughly enjoyed it! Graham is so funny and makes the training and learning fun. They hardly noticed they were working hard physically.
As well as attending our usual Achievement Assembly this morning the children have also been to watch the Year 6 production of King Lear. This performance was part of the Shakespeare in Schools Festival which the Year 6 pupils had performed at the Northern Stage on Friday night to a standing ovation. Antonia’s Class were lucky enough to get to watch it in the Sports Hall on Thursday morning. It was AMAZING! The children and adults involved, under Marc’s really creative direction, should be so proud of themselves.
We also had a special Assembly to say goodbye to our lovely friend Pat Collins who died recently. Pat was an amazing friend to our school and she will be missed. All her lovely friends and family came to school to help us celebrate her life and all the things she has done for our school.
Our Half Term Achiever today was the fabulous Grace! Grace has worked so well this half term and is a star! Well done Grace!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!