As always, Class 5 have been very busy this week.
In science, we continued our work on sound. This week we looked at pitch. To do this, we made water xylophones using empty glass jars and coloured water. We talked about how the amount of water in each jar changed the pitch of the sound it made. The challenge was for each group to create a scale of sounds with their jars so that they go play them high to low or low to high. We all had great fun investigating pitch this way, although the classroom did get rather wet!
In food technology, we made carrot and coriander soup.We had to use our peeling, grating and chopping skills to make it, but it was well worth it as, when we ate some during afternoon snack, it proved to be a big hit.
Our maths work this week focused on number. We were all using our counting and numeral recognition skills to complete pegging activities, join in songs and play interactive games.
On Monday, we held a special assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year. We all ate prawn crackers and fortune cookies and sampled some noodles. Delicious! All the classes had made things to decorate the hall; we made Chinese lanterns and paper plate rats as this year is the year of the rat.