We have had green fingers again this week! The children have been learning about the parts of a plant and planting their own flowers and vegetables. They have been working on their colouring skills and learning about the roots and what they do. The children used straws to suck up the water like the roots of a plant. They also explored different plants and looked at a spiky cactus. The children did some lovely sensory exploration using soil and fake flowers to ‘pot their plants’. They have been on the look out for their butterflies emerging but it hasn’t happened yet! The caterpillars have turned into their cocoons or chrysalis so it will be 7 to 14 days before we get our butterflies. The children were not impressed with the cocoons and thought they were YUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!
It is half term next week so we will see you all after the holidays! Enjoy your holiday!