Welcome to the first blog of the Summer Term!

This half term, we’re going to be investigating and exploring Transport.  We’ve been reading a great story called, ‘Car, car, truck, jeep’ and learning the signs for lots of different types of vehicles. We are going to be making our own cars and trucks.  We are also going to be learning the symbols and signs for stop, go, fast and slow – all part of our core vocabulary.  We think everyone is really trying very hard with their communication skills!  Well done!

This half term, we are lucky enough to be visiting Pegasus RDA Centre in Morpeth.  Everyone has been amazing – sitting up straight on the ponies and getting on and off sensibly.  The people who run the centre have been so impressed with the behaviour and ability of the children!

This week was our last week of dancing with Christine from Tiptoes Dance.  She has been helping us to learn about open and closed body shapes.  Everybody has worked really hard in these sessions, following instructions carefully and trying hard to make dance sequences.

This week’s Half Term Achiever was Mohmin.  Everybody has been so impressed with him, and we all enjoyed watching his video this morning in assembly.  Well done, Mohmin!

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