On Tuesday, December 17th, we had three special things happen at school.
Firstly, it was Christmas jumper day and, secondly, it was Christmas lunch day and, lastly, Santa Claus paid us a visit – AGAIN!
We donned the snowman party hats we’d made before heading to the school hall for our festive feast. It was lovely to see everyone kitted out in all their festive attire, especially when they were pulling crackers and wearing party hats over lunch, it definitely gave us a warm, fuzzy, Christmassy feeling!
Irene cooked up a storm in the kitchen and everyone enjoyed a proper turkey dinner (or veggie alternative) with all the trimmings followed by ice-cream or Christmas pud. YUMMY!
In the afternoon, we all had a lovely surprise when we were visited by the big man himself – Santa! Mr Claus gave every single child in school a special present to take home, which is amazing. Thank you, Santa!