Last Friday our journey exploring the Arts continued and we found ourselves at the wonderful Baltic. The Baltic is an amazing place which always inspires awe and wonder at the interesting exhibits they have on display. We started at the top where we had a wonderful view of the Quayside.  The children could remember seeing the different sculptures on the Smart Board and were able to identify them. We came down a level and explored an interesting art installation by Heather Phillipson  named “The Age of Love” which was a series of videos, sounds and objects. A little tricky to understand the meaning behind it but it was a very inspiring place to be in if not a little crazy. We came down another level and explored the sensory space where we had the opportunity to get involved in s range of different activities.

It was a quick visit but we are hoping to work with the Baltic in the near future on a creative project.

Babs, jess, Lindsay and Ann.

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