We have had a fantastic week, and are now feeling ready for a little holiday!  We enjoyed making your Valentine’s cards to show you that we love you very much, and we made sweetheart buns as a little treat.

We are learning all about our bodies at the moment and worked hard this week to make funny faces on the computer.  We had to choose face colour, eyes, ears, hair and mouths.  We had to use our fine motor and IT skills to click and drag the shapes across the page.

Some of our children enjoyed a visit to Hadrian’s Hair Shop this week.  We hope you like everyone’s new haircuts.

Lots of us enjoy using the SI room each week and learn lots of useful skills here, such as lifting ourselves onto the swings and climbing the stairs to whizz down the slide. It’s a lot of fun!

We hope you have a happy and safe half term, and enjoy the Spring sunshine. Please don’t forget to vote for a new governor.  Also, please send spare clothes and swim nappies (if your child uses one) at the start of term.


Hannah and team!

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