The ‘Friends of Hadrian School’ is a registered charity which raises funds to promote the work of the school by providing equipment and activities for use by our pupils. All Parents/Carers are strongly encouraged to support and attend functions arranged by ‘The Friends of Hadrian School’. A committee of Parents/Carers and Staff organise social functions, fund raising events and school based activities to support the work of the school.
The ‘Friends of Hadrian School’ support theatre visits, field studies, purchase equipment and provide funds to help support class running costs. However their principle function is to bring Staff and Parents/Carers together in social settings to promote friendships and relationships for the common good of the pupils and school.
At present we are trying to raise money towards a new Hydrotherapy Pool. Please visit our ‘Just Giving’ site if you would like to track our current fund raising projects or make a donation towards our Pool.
Important Dates
The Friends of Hadrian School now have their own Facebook Page. Follow us to keep up to date with our charity.