This week has been a fun week for the children and staff in our class. We have had so many things to celebrate! It was our lovely Yvonne’s 60th birthday this week and we couldn’t let it pass quietly. The children made her day very special by celebrating at her party with games and dancing to ‘old’ music. She then had a lovely afternoon tea in the sun with the children in the afternoon complete with a beautiful spread and tea set.
Our teaching student Becky spent her last day on placement with us sadly but she went out with a bang and the children threw her a party on Wednesday. We love a dance in our class! We are sad to see Becky go but hopefully will see her on a weekly basis volunteering with us soon.
The children have been doing lovely Creative Arts this week in their spare time (when they weren’t partying!). They have started practising for a class performance which we hope to share with you all virtually by the end of term. They explored costumes and made some props, starting learning songs and auditioned for parts. We are very excited about it. They also made some special cards and explored marbling. It was lots of fun!
Have a lovely weekend!