For the past few weeks we have been preparing for the “Tuck Shop in the Shed” to raise money for a local charity and also for our end of year trip. This morning we got together the goodies, baked and also decorated the shed in the outdoor play area. Each class was invited to come and spend their money on a selection of sweet treats. Our children took it in turns to sit with the till and collect the money. There was music selected by the children and even entertainment outside the shed provided by Nathan! There was a lovely atmosphere with lots of classes enjoying their treats outside on the tables and on rugs.

We would like to say a huge “thank you ” to Parents/Carers how kindly sent in money and donations and to all of the staff in the classes who supported us. It looks like we raised around £71.00 which is amazing. Also a huge “thank you” to Richard’s Nana, who provided many of the treats. We will add the money raised today to money already raised and will let you know the total very soon.

We hope you have a peaceful holiday and we look forward to seeing the children on June 3rd for the last half term of the year!

Babs, Jess, Lindsay and Ann.


  1. Maureen Armstrong

    You are more than welcome anything you need just ask and it will be there for a fantastic school thanks for the shout out xx

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