Hello and welcome back! We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break.

5B have had a tremendous first week back and have started the summer term as they mean to go on – full of energy and working hard!

Our science topic this term is ‘Earth, Sun and Moon – Space Exploration.’ To introduce the topic, some children from 5A and 5B went to the Centre for Life in Newcastle city centre to participate in a workshop called ‘Destination Space.’

During the workshop, we learned lots of information about space and what it’s like to be an astronaut. We then worked in pairs to test three different materials to see which would make the best spacesuit. We tested plastic, cotton and paper for their strength, flexibility and weight. We were unanimous in our opinion that cotton was the best!

In food technology, we made chocolate-covered flapjack, which were yummy! No-one (not even the grown-ups) is sick of chocolate yet, even though we all over-indulged on chocolate eggs at the weekend!

In literacy, we shared our text for this half term. It’s called ‘The Star in the Jar’ and everyone loved listening to it. We are going to be doing lots of work based around this book in maths and literacy. If you’ve not read it before, we highly recommend it!

In history, we were introduced to the Vikings! We’ve only had one lesson on them, but we can already see that they’re a fierce bunch!


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