We started our week in celebratory style with a St Patrick’s Day assembly and an art session where we made beautiful glittery shamrocks.  We spent ages selecting our green materials and sticking them on.  We hope you liked them!

We have also been working hard in our Food Technology sessions where we made pitta bread pizzas.  We had to choose the equipment we needed and toppings to make a tasty treat.  Everyone is getting really good at using the tools to chop and grate. We did lots of sensory exploration and tasting.  The end results were delicious!

The weather was nice enough for us to go outside for our communication group, this week.  We have been working hard to say and sign stop, go, up, down, fast, slow, turn and push so we had lots of practise doing this in the playground!

We are visiting Washington Wildfowl Trust on Monday so please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear.



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