We have been extra busy this week, working on our transport topic.  We have been finding out all about different vehicles, and using our book, ‘Car, Car, Truck, Jeep’ to inspire our play and investigations.

On Tuesday we went for a walk around the local area.  We waved at people passing by on the buses, and looked for different types of vans and cars.  We looked at the bus timetables and thought about how people move around the busy city.  We practised using the zebra crossings, and used our eyes and ears to look and listen when we crossed the road.

We loved using the benches and A frames to investigate how we could make our cars go fast.  We discovered that the steeper we made the slope, the faster our cars went!  We were able to practise saying and signing some of our core vocabulary – stop and go, fast and slow! We are going to show off our experiment at the Science Fair, next week.

We loved using pictures of cars, buses and motorbikes to make traffic jams.  We counted out the different vehicles, then made patterns on our long paper ‘roads’.

We have also celebrated two birthdays this week!  Savanna had a lovely party and had a great time blowing out her candles.  What a lot of puff!  But Angela needed even bigger breaths to blow out the candles on her cake! Happy birthday to both of you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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