On Monday morning we did our sensory story ‘Dinosaurs in the supermarket’. It was lots of fun! We got to make a mess, make loud and quiet noises, and tidy up just like the dinosaurs in the story. In the afternoon we had a very busy PE lesson. We did lots of throwing, catching, pulling, climbing, and balancing. We are working on using the key words/signs “more”, “stop”, “fast”, “slow”.



On Tuesday morning we did some fantastic maths work. We are working so hard and improving everyday! We are recognising numbers to 10, counting out amounts, matching amounts to numbers- so much work! In the afternoon we went to the thrive room to work on our communication and language skills. We are all doing so well when it comes to using our words/signs, and are able to have productive and positive interactions with each other.



On Wednesday we went on our dinosaur yoga adventure! The children are getting very good at recognising and naming different dinosaurs and at using their bodies to tell a story.
In the afternoon we made some dinosaur bones for our sand area, it was so much fun!



On Thursday we got on our bus and drove to the supermarket. While we were there we were on our best behavior! We had a list of items we had to find (all the same items from our story). Working together we managed to find everything we needed. We made sure to keep a look out for any dinosaurs that might be hiding in the supermarket too! As a special treat for being so good, we bought some cakes and brought them back to school to eat before home time.


Thank you everyone for your Children In Need donations on Friday!
We had a fab day! We had a special assembly where we spoke about what we had been doing to support Children In Need. There was even a competition to see which class had made the best Pudsey potatoes, take a look at ours!  In the afternoon we decorated some Pudsey biscuits, they were delicious.



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