As part of our work on the Romans we were very excited to visit Vindolanda and the Roman Army Museum. We set off on Tuesday morning via the military road which was like riding on a roller coaster (lots of ups and downs) and first visited the Roman Army Museum. We went into a Latin classroom with a holographic teacher who appeared from the past, after we rang the bell to get the lesson started. We then watched a 3D movie about Hadrian’s Wall and what life was like at the ‘Edge of the Empire’. It helped make the topic come to life and we felt like we were really there.  Nathan even gave the movie a 5 star rating!

We then got back on the bus and went to Vindolanda. Before we visited the fort we had our lunch in a Roman Dwelling, where we ‘ate like a Roman’. We then went around the museum and looked at all the treasures, hair brushes, jewellery and shoes. We even got to look at the ‘Vindolanda Writing Tablets’.

After the museum we walked up a VERY steep hill which brought us to the Roman Fort. Everyone had fun pretending to ‘live’ in the different buildings and climbing on the walls.

What a brilliant day we all had!

Babs, Lindsay, Ann and Jess

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