This week we have been really busy practising for our Christmas Panto ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We have been rehearsing most days and will perform for a small audience next week. We will let you know how it goes!
The children have also been getting messy exploring some different textures this week. We love to get messy and explore. It helps us to concentrate better when we can have sensory breaks. Then we can focus on our other learning.
We have learned how to write a,s,m and this week: d. In class we use the Read, Write Inc rhymes to help us remember how to form the letters. We used the Smartboard, chalk and whiteboards to practice writing the letter d. In class the children are also working on sorting initial letter sounds of the same letters we have learned to write.
We also had our Advent Assembly on Wednesday this week. The children loved the music and of course the turning on of the main BIG Christmas Tree lights in the school hall!