As part of our war topic, we have been reading the book ‘Tusk Tusk’.
We have explored the story in many ways as part of literacy, we read the story in a group and talked about what we could see in the pictures discussing feelings and emotions, we had some very thoughtful answers of how the elephants must have been feeling during the war.
We have labelled the elephants body parts, some children typed the words, some children matched the word to the body part and glued a pre written label to the elephant and some children wrote the words.
We were amazed at how well the children worked when we mixed the pages of the story,  they worked very hard to re-order it, some great memory skills.
We also used our fantastic art skills and made this wonderful display for our classroom.

This week the children acted out the story and we had lots of discussions about fighting, war, peace and friendship. What lovely, empathic and thoughtful children they are! 

Below is the videos of the fabulous actors/actresses in action!



Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, stay safe.

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