If anyone from Class 5 is tired this weekend, it won’t be a surprise as we have not stopped all week!
In science, we finished off our sound topic in a very tasty way by making popcorn. “What does that have to do with sound?” I hear you cry! Well, when making microwave popcorn, sound is vital to cooking it just right. We talked about what happens to the kernels as they heat up and that the ‘pop’ sound would start off slow, become fast, then become slow again. The children were asked to predict how many minutes they thought it would take (predictions ranged from a few seconds up to 10 minutes) then they were challenged to raise their hand when they thought the popcorn was done. Once it was cooked, we had to eat it – a very tasty science session which showed how sound helps us in every day life.
Some of us also had a messy play session where we explored sounds – it was great fun!
In English, we have done lots of work on reading and spelling. There has been some super progress in both these areas and the grown-ups are all very proud of how well everyone is doing.
In art, we have been doing some more work in the style of Andy Warhol. Everyone chose a famous character they liked, traced over a line drawing in Sharpie (this was very tricky to do!) and then glued a thin layer of different coloured tissue paper over the top. The results are fabulous as you can see and they will look even better once they’re mounted onto card!
In food technology, we made salt dough numbers to use in maths and, also, some yellow, lemon-scented Play-Doh to use in our choice and fine motor-skills time.
In maths, we focused on our number learning outcomes. There was work on number bonds to 10, reading 2-digit numbers and ordering numbers. All challenging at first, but everyone did brilliantly!
Have a wonderful weekend!