What a lovely week we have had to match the lovely weather. We took full advantage of all the glorious sunshine, enjoying extra playtimes, outdoor learning and even an ice pop or two!

This week, a huge focus has been preparing for our Hadrian Carnival, linking in with our topic of Brazil this term. After identifying features of an invitation in English last week, this week we made our own invitations to hand out ready ahead of the big day. We followed this up by making our carnival masks, using beautiful bright colours, flowers and feathers to make them stand out. We also had our next session on the steel pans, learning a brand new song which we can perform at the carnival. The children are loving being creative and making up their own tunes and funky beats.

Following the success of tuck shop snack time last week, we decided to incorporate Maths into our snack time again! The shopkeeper was responsible for checking the change and handing out snack, while the customers had the chance to practice identifying coins and got a tasty treat in the process.

In science, we began the session identifying the different parts of a plant. The children were able to identify parts such as the stem and roots. We then discussed what a plant needed to grow and what would happen if the plant did not receive all it needs. We were shown two plants and asked to identify which plant had not received sunlight and water. The children demonstrated a good understanding of why the plant did not thrive in its environment!

Following all of the glorious sunshine, PE this week was a little different. The children had a choice of enjoying a Samba lesson outside in the sunshine, or cosmic yoga indoors to cool down. Both went down a treat and were followed by a snack outdoors to finish the day!

We have spent our Friday celebrating the achievements of some wonderful children within the school in our second half term achievers assembly. It’s always a pleasure to see how well our friends are doing in their time at Hadrian. We will finish off the week with Friday social clubs and of course some choice time.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!









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