OOOOhhhhhhh we all need some lovely celebratory news in these strange times and we are just the class to share some!! What a bunch of stars we have in our class.  Each and everyday our children continue to amaze us with their hard work.  We work hard and play hard in Loveday’s class.

We have lots to tell you about.  First of all well done to Daniel for receiving our achievement certificate in assembly last Friday.  The award was for his amazing engagement and exploration during our jabadao sessions.  Daniel has made so much progress in these movement sessions.  He independently shows lots of interest  in both apparatus and in his friends who play alongside him.  The whole school watched on zoom as he was presented by Mr Rollings with his certificate and awarded an extra playtime in the early years outdoor music area.  This week our star was Jacob….. we all celebrated his fantastic work during his reading sessions.  We showed the whole school a lovely video of our Jacob’s enthusiasm and interest in letters, sounds and beginning to work on sight words in our zoom assembly today.  Jacob’s treat was a choice of dressing up outfits.  He was so proud of himself he even gave us all a bow!! Well done Jacob.

We’ve had a special birthday in class  this week.  Our Yahya hit double digits on Tuesday.  10 years old!! We had a great afternoon enjoying the lovely chocolate cake sent in from home.  We also had fun with the mini water pistols he brought in to share with his friends.  This prompted a water fight in class,  everyone joined in.  Children and adults squirted each other and found places to hide from the wet firing line.  We all enjoyed a boogie to finish the party afternoon off.  Yahya had fun and so did his friends.  Our Theresa also celebrated her birthday today in class.  We enjoyed ANOTHER cake and a dance with our friends.

We have outdoor learning sessions everyday.  We have so many great spaces around school to support our learning.  It is even more essential to use the outdoors at the minute to keep our children happy and healthy in the fresh air.  This week has been no different in class.   We have explored the water wall and mud kitchen, the secret garden with its wonderful music wall.  We have enjoyed outdoor drumming on the decking area and explored the early years playground.  Outdoor learning is very popular in our class.  All of our children love to be outdoors.  This week it rained lots.  This meant we got to don our waterproofs and splash in the puddles!!

A huge welcome back to our Aaron.  He returned to school on Monday after his operation.  Our wonderful boy has not been in the building since March!  He came back very happy and very calm.  It was lovely to see his beaming smile again as he came back into class.  All of his friends in class were pleased to see him too.  Even with both of his legs in cast he is accessing a range of fun activities.  His favourite this week was singing along to our outdoor drumming session.   We are so proud of you.  Mr Rollings is proud too as he gave Aaron one of his special medals in assembly!! Well done Aaron.

Basheer always finds a place where the sun shines most

Leen exploring the outdoors

Playing together

Lacey loves to work in the green house

Conlan loves to play throw and catch

Yahya loves the secret garden

Look at that beautiful smile, Fatima

Aaron making music and being happy back at school

Jacob matching and naming shapes

Daniel making music


Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Stay safe.

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