Sensory Story

We love gathering together for a sensory story. This term we are listening and interacting with the story ‘Walking Through the Storm… What can it be?’ Throughout the story the children take turns of making the sound of the storm with instruments. They anticipate which character is going to jump out of the cupboard next, after walking through the storm! It could be a ghost, skeleton, monster, spider or witch. We listen to songs related to the characters and dance having lots of intensive interaction. The children like the squirting water bottles representing the rain and often ask for more! We laugh, we smile, and we have lots of fun!  Through this story we are learning to anticipate the routine, use our core vocabulary, enjoy (and sometimes say) the repetitive language and explore the props.  Simon is great at being all of the different characters for us to interact with!

Last Thursday we also celebrated Fatima’s 10th Birthday, we had lots of treats sent in from home that the children enjoyed eating… especially the giant cake!

Many thanks for checking in. See you next week, Loveday and team xx

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