We hope everyone has had as happy of a week as our Ameenah, just look at her big smile! Who else can’t quite believe we’re saying goodbye to March already? It feels like we’ve blinked and all of a sudden we’ve gone from making Christmas cards to Easter presents!

It feels like the weather can’t quite make up it’s mind either about what time of year it is; only last week we were outside splashing in our shorts during some water fun in the sunshine and today we’ve been wrapped up in wellies and waterproofs making snowballs (and definitely winning the snowball match against the older classes!)

We’ve had a few of our friends off school this week due to sickness which has meant class has felt quiet at times and we’re all looking forward to our friends feeling better and getting back into class soon!

Despite the quiet, we’ve managed to jam-pack another week here in Dave’s class with lots of fun and exploration, with plenty of chances to get mucky and let of steam! We started the week outside making the most of the clear skies with our cookery lesson on Monday, and then continued the messy theme by beginning our Easter crafts on Tuesday and Wednesday. No spoilers from us, but we’ve been working hard on them so we hope they’re loved when they make it home next week.

Our timetable of hydrotherapy, rebound, soft play and jabadao have continued as usual this week too, so we’re all feeling very ready for a weekend off to relax and recharge, ready for the final week of this half term! – Dave and team 🙂

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