With Christmas fast approaching, Class 5/6 thought we would get ahead of the game and start making Christmas cards on Wednesday morning. What time better to do it then in messy play?! The children all put a unique twist on their own Christmas cards by mixing together oil, glitter and paint all while having lots of messy fun! Here are some of the class in action.

This Tuesday, after a very energetic hydrotherapy session had relaxing massage using the oil and foot spas. This was an ideal time for the children to use their big voices, relax and have one to one interaction with peers. After massage we went on to do a great TACPAC session which involved lots of choosing, tactile experiences and moving.

We took full advantage of our soft play spot on Wednesday afternoon and had a fantastic time! The children had a great time passing the balls to one another and enjoyed lots of giggles. Leon decided we all got a bit excited, so gave Katie some deep pressure!

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