Returning back to school nice and refreshed from the half term holiday, we started our summer term by getting straight back into routine.

We have a new sensory story this half term ‘Once Upon a Time’. Building on from our previous story ‘The Emotional Postman’, we have different emotions, actions and sensory experiences including a new one – taste!  This week the children travelled to the Antarctic where they got to experience the cold ice and meet a magic Postman, who granted each child a wish! The story has lots of opportunity for choice making and early communication.

On Monday, we have a new venue for our outdoor learning, the early year’s playground. During outdoor learning this week we have begun turn taking games. The children explore the playground themselves and find something they enjoy, we then incorporate vocabulary and turn taking into the activities. Kimberly found her way over to the football, where she took turns with Amy and Shay to score goals. Kimberly began to explore the different ways she could score. Rolling, bouncing and throwing the ball. Well done!

We had an excellent time in the pool this week, with new targets for the term met already! Peniel lay on his back for the first time, Ella started to blow bubbles into the water and Joseph began accepting water on his face. Well done everyone!

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