Hi everyone,
Just a general catch up to show you some of the wonderful things your children have been doing. They are such hard working and determined little bods. As well as subject lessons, the children are learning to develop their fine motor and gross motor skills, use speech, share resources, take turns and work in small groups.
We have been doing lots of maths, especially counting, number recognition and big and small. During Dinosaur Maths, the children were rolling the die, feeding the burping dinosaurs, digging for numbered bones and ordering bones by number and size.

This week, we had very practical maths lesson. The children were working on their fine motor and gross motor skills without evening knowing it. We were threading through the correct numbers, rolling numbered balls and jumping to numbered lines. They were super stars.

For Literacy, we have made a castle and a giant for our role play area! The children have role played the story, they were following instructions and recalling key parts. Jack sneaked up to the Giant and stole his harp and hen, as he was running away the Giant woke up and chased him down the beanstalk!

We have also been working hard on our writing and fine motor skills, the children loved grabbing chunky pens and drawing on the floor. We are learning to hold our pens correctly, copy lines, shapes and patterns and some children are learning to write their name.

They have also been working on reading their names and learning the letter sounds S, A and T. During Science, we have been watering our plants and learning that plants need soil, water and the sun to grow! The children loved spraying the water onto their plants and everyone else! In Music we are learning to create long and short sounds, we explored the EYFS musical playground and the big drum.
Thank you,
Jess, Michele, Katherine, Kairen and Sharon.
Love this blog! They all look like they are really enjoying themselves whilst learning. Fab! Keep up the good work everyone xx